Exhibited in "Revolution, Art & Change" with "The Holy Art" in London, July 2021, Shuttererhub Yearbook 2021, and in "FLUX Exhibition", Virtual Group Show, 2021
To be exhibited with LoosenArt in Rome, Italy, November - December 2021
Published with Photograd.co.uk, Source.ie, Artist Responding To and Haus A Rest
Awarded by Creative Conscience 2021
Everyone looks different, that should not be something weird - Vilma Nyberg
Growing up in a world where only one type of body seemed to be accepted has been hard on me. Even though I somewhat am part of that ideal. However I have always been too short, and always ”a few kilos too heavy”, to quote my model Ellen Rova.
As a young female this really ruined my self esteem, and I grew up hating myself, because I did not reach these unachievable looks that the fashion industry always exposed us to. I have been selfish though, and only seen things from my own point of view.
After the summer of 2020, when the ”BLM” movement took over the whole world, and even reached the fashion industry, I realised just how privileged I have been, to be able to relate to the models on the covers just with the way my hair look and my facial attributes.
Some people have never seen anyone remotely similar to themselves on the magazine covers, growing up. And should the industry really be that way?
WOMEN Magazine is created to question and reflect on the lack of diversity and the unhealthy beauty standards presented in the fashion industry through interviews with the models participating in the project. Throughout this magazine we get to read about the models own thoughts and reflections on the industry.
My goal with WOMEN was to prove that everyone can be a model, there is no such thing as an ideal look or body. We are all beautiful in our own way.
Read magazine online HERE.
Buy the physical magazine HERE.

"Revolution Art & Change" with The Holy Art, London, 2021

"FLUX Exhibition", Virtual Group Show, 2021

Artist Responding To, Issue 11, August, 2021

Bronze Award in the photography category by Creative Conscience
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